Safety Expectations


Personal Safety and Sanitation are imperative for the health and well-being of you, your fellow employees, and our guests. All employees must adhere to the WSU Safety Standards.

Wash your hands thoroughly before beginning work, after using the restroom, after covering a cough or a sneeze, after touching your face or hair, and after picking up anything from the floor. Washing your hands is the single most important thing that you can do to prevent the outbreak of food-borne illness. 

Single-use gloves can help keep food safe by creating a barrier between hands and food. NEVER use gloves in place of hand washing. Hands must be washed before putting gloves on and when changing to a new pair.

We suggest that all employees shower and brush their teeth at least once a day!

Hand Washing

Proper hand washing is the number one combatant of food-borne illness. You must wash your hands properly after:

  • Touching any area of your body (e.g., ears, mouth, nose, hair, or clothing)
  • Handling money
  • Making contact with unclean equipment and work surfaces
  • Smoking
  • Handling raw food—particularly meat and poultry
  • Clearing away and scraping dishes and utensils
  • Eating
  • Using the restroom
  • Using gloves
  • Experiencing any other condition where cross-contamination may occur, such as front-of-house duties like trash removal, sweeping, and/or wiping tables


 1. Wet your hands with HOT running water.
 2. Apply approved antimicrobial soap and lather for at least 20 seconds.
 3. Clean under fingernails and between fingers.
 4. Rinse hands thoroughly under running water.
 5. Dry your hands with a fresh, disposable paper towel.

Using gloves

Gloves are not a replacement for proper hand washing and must be worn when serving or handling food items. Gloves are always single-use and must be changed when you are changing tasks. Remember, once you are wearing gloves, you must not touch your hair, face, clothing, or other parts of the body; the floor; chemicals; or any other surface that could transfer contaminants to the food.

Change your gloves when:

  • They become contaminated, discolored, or torn
  • Before beginning a different task
  • At least every hour during continual use
  • After handling raw meat, fish, or poultry, and before handling cooked or ready-to-eat food

As a further health precaution, chewing gum is prohibited while you are on the clock.